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Showing results 1-50
  1. pforams@mikrotax - Morozovella
    Genus distinguished by muricate, anguloconical test and peripheral muricocarina (in nearly all taxa) of variable breadth and strength.
  2. Foraminifera - The World Foraminifera Database - Morozovella ...
    Oops! This taxon is out of scope! The taxon you have searched for is fossil. Please turn off the relevant filter (at the top right of this page) to view the ...
  3. pforams@mikrotax - Morozovella subbotinae
    This robust morphospecies is a characteristic element of latest Paleocene and early Eocene planktonic foraminiferal assemblages.
  4. Calcium isotope composition of Morozovella over the late ...
    Mar 4, 2021 ... At Site 1209, δ44/40Ca values start at −1.33‰ during the Upper Paleocene and increase to a peak of −1.15‰ immediately before the negative carbon ...
  5. Dextral to sinistral coiling switch in planktic foraminifer Morozovella ...
    Morozovella switch from dextral to sinistral coiling direction across the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum. Changes in coiling direction occurred in multiple ...
  6. Calcium isotope composition of Morozovella over the late ...
    Mar 4, 2021 ... Geologically rapid Ca isotope shifts appear to reflect the response of Morozovella to globally forced changes in the local carbonate ...
  7. Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and mechanisms in the ...
    The muricate planktonic foraminiferal genera Morozovella and Acarinina were abundant and diverse during the upper Palaeocene to middle Eocene and dominated ...
  8. On the Demise of the Early Paleogene Morozovella velascoensis ...
    Mar 3, 2017 ... The species Morozovella edgari is estimated to have originated ∼55.60 Ma and is the smallest member of the M. velascoensis clade. Evolutionary ...
  9. Calcium isotope composition of Morozovella over the late ...
    The calcium isotope composition (δ 44/40 Ca) of primary carbonate producers may be sensitive to OA.
  10. Dextral to sinistral coiling switch in planktic foraminifer Morozovella ...
    Luciani, V; D'Onofrio, R; Dickens, GR; Wade, BS; (2021) Dextral to sinistral coiling switch in planktic foraminifer Morozovella during the Early Eocene Climatic ...