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Showing results 1-50
  1. Geology of the New York Region | U.S. Geological Survey
    Laurentia collided with another continental plate in what is now called the Grenville Orogeny. The collision created a large mountain range along Laurentia's ...
  2. Geology | The New York State Museum
    The mission of the Geology Department and New York State Geological Survey (NYSGS) is to conduct geologic research, evaluate mineral resources and geologic ...
  3. Geology of New York State
    Jun 17, 2013 ... Buehler, E.J., Geology of Western New York, Guidebook, New York State Geological. Association, 38 th. Annual Meeting, Department of Geological ...
  4. New York Geology | New York Nature by Betsy McCully
    Nov 12, 2018 ... During the Taconic Orogeny, the granite bedrock was overthrust and interlayered with the schist and marble strata, forming the so-called ...
  5. Geographic Information System (GIS) | The New York State Museum
    Surficial Geology Material Explanation ... Poorly stratified silt, sand, and boulders, fan shaped accumulations, at bottoms of steep slopes, generally permeable, ...
  6. Geology of New York (state) - Wikipedia
    Fewer rocks have deposited since the Mesozoic as several kilometers of rock have eroded into the continental shelf and Atlantic coastal plain, although volcanic ...
  7. AMNH | Geology of NYC| Manhattan Prong | Geology of Central Park
    Generally, earthquakes are located at the boundaries between plates where they collide, or grind past each other, or spread apart. New York City lies within the ...
  8. Geological History of NYC Parks : NYC Parks
    The bedrock in the city ranges in age from 1.1 billion to 190 million years old, and the rocks we see at the surface are the roots of an ancient mountain chain ...
  9. Geology of New York: a Simplified Account (second edition)
    Page 1. GEOLOGY OF NEW YORK. A Simplified Account. Y. W. Isachsen, E. Landing, J. M. Lauber, L. V. Rickard, W. B. Rogers, editors. GEO. 050-4. GEONY. 90-55542.
  10. How Geology Shaped New York City's Skyline
    May 27, 2020 ... The former mountains of New York probably achieved heights similar to what we see in the Himalayas today. Buried beneath 8 miles of growing ...